Saturday, 6 July 2019

Win before you play


Most of us are unaware of the meaning of pre-suasion it means- “The Process of arranging for recipients to be receptive to a message before they encounter it.
We are more likely to trust someone who trusts us. We share secrets with people who share secrets with us. People will be nice if you’re nice to them. Therefore, if you do something first, by giving them something or doing something nice for them, it is more likely to come back to you. The key is to go first and go positive with a "smile".
“When you’re smiling, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.” Yes, the old song is right; smiles are contagious! 
The first thing a manager teaches “Smile at the customer or client!”. Most sales professionals have a naturally upbeat personality and already smile frequently throughout the day and during interactions with customers and prospects. But this simple act also happens to be one of the most effective ways to cut through adverse situations, conflicts, and disappointment. If you’ve just been told no or a deal has fallen through, a smile is always first defence against negativity. As Lowe points out, a smile draws people in because it projects positivity.
Pre-suading plays an important role is persuading other. Most of us are unaware of the meaning of pre-suasion it means- “The Process of arranging for recipients to be receptive to a message before they encounter it.
Sales professionals are encouraged to smile at adversity. Even if we are talking with people who don’t have time or money or don’t want to listen to us, smile anyway. Don’t allow those negative emotions to take control.
On the other hand, Reciprocation is the basis of cashing in points, calling in a favour, owing other people one.
The reason it works so well is that you have two choices, you either act in a socially approved way by giving in to a request or decline and face (perceived or real) shame. And we want to say yes because this is a way to avoid confrontation.
Consistency plays a vital role in persuading. Once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we will encounter personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment.
It’s easier to get people to comply with requests that they see as consistent with what they’ve already said (especially in your presence.)
Taking an example if our client promised to use your company's service, client will feel hesitate to switch to another company's service in front of you. Whereas if the client uses your company's service there will be a relation of belonging that unconsciously happens.
This is also an important interview hacks. If you ask people to state their priorities and goals and then align your proposals with that in mind you make it harder for people to say no.
Apart from all this Ever wonder why TV shows use laugh tracks? It’s so you know when to laugh. I’ll let you sit on that one for a minute. We all look for others on what to do in the time of uncertainty and marketers in advertisements take that as an clue and make the buyers do what they want to be done. Social Proof plays a vital role in persuading and persuading others. It is not add as all individuals need social proof to feel they are in same commodity and marketers takes this as an advantage to spend more time or to sell their products.
That strong felling of persuasion and liking happens when you find the other person are from same education background or like similar sports or have similar family background and you can feel the association with the other person on the basis of similarity. So, indirectly that person started liking you unconsciously. Also, people helps those whom they like and are associated with. Liking plays an important role in persuading in fact half the work is done if the opposite persons like you. Similarly, trust is essential. Creating and establishing this trust is a matter of conveying information in a way that seems like it’s in the best interest of the recipient, not the business (i.e. you).
Let's go to the people and tell them "I Like You." Trust me there will be "I Like You" in return.

Also, a person tends to remember you for a long time if there is something unique about you or a metaphor you used in 1st meeting call of mind is more in that case.
Moreover, asking open questions and making opposite people speak more make them more attached to the client.
Whenever we meet someone or want someone to listen to us we must introduce ourselves about our knowledge and position and the authority we are beholding it will make them realise of the authoritarian position and will increase the interest of odds in them which will make them to listen.
People always tend to listen someone from higher charge of or higher to them because as a child we are taught to do so and we tend to follow it blindly.
Many people do the mistake of talking about their competitors on intial phase which is more like to read a book with 1st page about other novels and not knowing more about the author of the book. While we introduce ourselves it should be unitary focus rather.
None but a sales person knows the importance of scarcity and sales and how it helps to persuade people. The sense of scarcity make people feel more eager to buy it it will be indirectly be looking like a pull product than a push product. Common psychology of humans tends to purchase products which are rare.
For every person their ego is primary and a master card for the opponent to crack a deal. “ YOU YOU YOU AND YOUR GREATNESS” is what the opponent likes to hear at any point of time and all people will like to discuss about it. The more they speak about it and let opponent know about it the more they get attached.
          Be the mastermind of the game, by playing your cards carefully.