Is fear an emotion or a felling?
Fear as conscious and fear as unconscious as well as fear with bodily reactions and fear without bodily reactions and fear in anxiety and fear in phobias.
Fear reaction starts in the brain and spreads through the body to make adjustments for the best defense, or flight reaction.
For an example you want to make a step ahead in your life but you can't do it did you ask yourself why in-spite of everything what is that holding you back?
Is your courage enough to overcome your fear or your just making reasons to hide your fear from outside world?
What are you feared of ? Yourself? Your Life or the society you are staying or external yardstick money, fame or power. What is that stops you from not making a decision to go ahead in life.
"Fight or flight ?"
Do your remember the last time when you have enjoyed your holiday by not fearing about your job, work or even school homework.
The truth is we lack the truth of living in this moment and deal with it.
We all love to dream but we are good at escaping from our dreams in the name of excuses.
An unknown fear of being judged by your success is just an hallucination.
We think, we dream, we freeze, we don't show the courage to move a step ahead to fulfill it we love to hide it in the name of dream rather showing guts to make it reality.
Listen, to your intuition, to the unheard voice it might lead to failure but at least we will not regret whole life for not doing it.
"Failure is better than regret"