I know the title will rather sound as a title of an essay than of a blog, but today I will really like to share about my college. You can take an ease I won't be discussing about the placement or the the subjects taught. Rather, in this blog I will love to discuss how my college helped me to know who I am.
Joining college in the year 2017 to pursue my PGDM in Marketing and coming to Hyderabad for the 1st time was all together an exciting and enchanting experience totally unaware of what will happen in this 2 years and how will I spend here for 2 years.
So, telling about my college once you enter the main gate it will give you a felling that you are in a park with lot of greenery and absolute silence. Entering the campus will give you a feeling of peace and calmness.
Once, you enter the campus there is a meet and greet with a smile on face be it on 1st day or 4 months after leaving the college Siva Sivani family has this culture of greeting everyone and wishing them with a smile on face that is an add on for a good day. Because, I personally use to travel 25 kms one sided everyday to go to college and entering the college with such warm welcome will make you awake.
So, starting from the starting my 1 month in the college was induction with introduction of subjects and all the management games that 1 month had a beautiful end. All, the friends that were made are all separated ( ironically 1st few friends I made and were separated after induction are my colleagues now). But, it was a pain.
Then, we all came to the new class "MARKETING SEC- C"(repeat it 20 times :P). The ratio of that class being 55Boys: 5Girls( Exciting) it was tough for me to recall all the names and it was tough for them to come and talk with us( for the presentations and assignments).
I don't remember though a single class or single day of my college where the we have not been scolded from 1st to last day and there was certain unity among my classmates all of us to do all the notorious stuffs possible.
In college apart from learning various subjects I remember that my professors use to share with us various business models, tell us various stories their fall or how they succeeded and trust me more than my subjects I remember those stories that were told. Along, with that the questions my classmates use to have.
But, those scoldings actually taught us something if I look back now.
Then, came Fresher's Party and seniors started interacting I was good to them I answered all their questions and most importantly they appreciated my talent and gave me a big thumps up to go ahead.
I had a subtle stage fear which I knew I had since my school days but I wanted to use SSIM as an ice-breaker to it by participating in everything possible.
After, my engineering I exactly knew which mistakes in college is not to repeat as there I had made a lot of blunder.
I always had a feeling of left out during my starting days so I made sure I speak with anyone and everyone( whether they feel comfortable and uncomfortable). Most essential reason to feel that was a language barrier and food barrier which created a cold distance from everyone. The only way to communicate was English ( because Hyderabadi hindi is not so simple Hindi its different from whole India).
Likewise, I was spending some cool days learning different subjects 1000's of assignments( copying from google and modifying it ), 1000's of exams ( trying to remember everything taught till date) and off-course the presentation( which was mostly prepared by me when I used to travel to college or 5 mins before class).
Although, I remember my 1st presentation given on Book Review Session that was also an ice-brake for me and my classmates because I took 40 mins to present (all the time I was continuously speaking) in a 50 mins class. After which my classmates requested me to speak l'il less during presentation.
As, the days was passing we had to get into internships prepare our projects. Finally, we got into an internship where me and my best friend had to attend together everyday, more than a internships it was fun, we didn't knew after 1 year we will be staying in Hyderabad or not so almost everyday we used to complete our work quickly and started exploring different shopping hubs in Hyderabad by local transport ( in hot summer)( that was the prime reason to know almost all parts of Hyderabad).
Our targeted place to explore was shopping hubs and biryani.
Speaking of biryani I confess I helped my friend to run out of college (as she used to stay in hostel) bypassing the regulation to have biryani and coming back running to college to attend class.
The 2nd year starts with the tension of placement, within a week we got placed (which was quite random). By the way 1st time I got late for my college was my placement day because I missed my alarm, then I couldn't find my uniform hustling all this I forgot my CV and then I missed my college bus. I was running to get through my college gate because that was the 1st company I was sitting for placement to check how it happens. I got placed. Started Job!
College Over
( What remains are learning, memories and smile on face )